David & Elena’s Wedding 6/2/13
David & Elena got married in Kerman, CA (30 minutes from Fresno). Their wedding day was a hot one! When I was outside I said to myself, “Who left the heater on?” Elena’s family is awesome, she has 3 sisters and when the 4 of them get together there is lots of laughter and great smiles. I would love to have sisters like them! Elena’s friend Luba did her hair and Elena did her own makeup (I did help put her lashes on because it’s hard to do on your own especially your own wedding day.) David & Elena are Russian (like me) and so they had a Russian ceremony. There are no photos taken during the ceremony but I assure you it was beautiful! I can also assure you that there was a lot of rice thrown at them and funny faces were made. We went to Woodward Park in Fresno for the portrait session of the day, they have a beautiful Japanese Garden in the park. That day the peacocks were on the prowl. Feathers a flair and looking good! We had fun trying to get pictures with them as you will see below. We had a great, goofy, and fun time all day which made the over 100 degree weather not even an issue!
I hope you enjoy these photos as much as I enjoyed making them!
Orange County Wedding Photography
Elena’s special crown and cap!
This is after the wedding! I can tell you they have lots of rice in there hair right now!
How is the peacock as big as she is?
Sneaking up!
As soon as she got up close him put his feathers down. I told Elena that he knew she was taken!